Unsung Hero

Based on a remarkable true story, Unsung Hero follows Helen and her husband, David Smallbone, as they move their family from Down Under to the States with nothing more than their seven children, suitcases, and their love of music.


Unsung Hero is a Christian film — more specifically, it’s the true life story of a Christian family, and especially their father’s spiritual journey as he moves his wife and children across the world. It’s well-made and engaging, with interesting twists and turns. The characters are well-developed, and the Christian themes are compelling. This is a very moving and sweet film, and you’ll alternate between laughter and tears. It’s an excellent film for the family to enjoy together, and to spur conversation about what it looks like to stop relying only on ourselves, turning instead to trust in God, and to trust the people and the gifts He has given us.

The film itself is not focused on specifically Orthodox themes, but is co-written and co-directed by Richard Ramsey, an Orthodox Christian, and one of its biggest stars is the much beloved Orthodox actor, Jonathan Jackson.


Beyond the Peak


Amphilochios: Saint of Patmos